05 February 2009

chess words

jezebel: wrath is a definite buzzkill.
Intltax: Which is your least favorite?
jezebel: my favorite deadly sin - pride
Intltax: Yep, and proud of it!
jezebel: it was your forking creation
Intltax: And now you're forking me? :)
jezebel: that last bishop did taste a bit like fishbait
Intltax: Is that a reference to this game? :) As soon as I played my last move I realized I left my bishop hanging. I still think my chances are decent, but handing you a piece on a silver platter didn't help things at all.
jezebel: i'm having visions of a bison approaching the edge of a tall cliff and i'm that bison ...
Intltax: Good...a rational preference.
jezebel: dead people are the life blood of flowershops. it must go back to when flowers were needed to mask the scents and sights of rotting corpses, before chemistry got discovered. i was raised in a mortuary, next door to a flowershop. thusly, i do prefer flowers before my demise, thanks.
Intltax: I call it "flowers for the living."
jezebel: thats the synonym for "beware the end is near." thanks for the extra pressure
Intltax: You are certainly playing well.
Intltax: You are certainly playing well.
Intltax: Thanks for the link...I will take a look at it.
jezebel: http://www.bestoftheleftpodcast.com/wake-up-freak-out-%e2%80%93-then-get-a-grip/
Intltax: Keeping a wary eye on it. The statistics I hear are alarming.
jezebel: do u have any opinions on climate change?
Intltax: Well, I said our paths were remarkably different...we are certainly alike in the respects you mention (probably being human is a given).
jezebel: actually, i don't see that much of a difference. like it or not we're both human, both do chess, live in a corporate-oriented culture. what specifically do you see as our differences (on any level/perspective: human, political, spiritual, etc.)
Intltax: Yes, my life story doesn't sound very much like yours, don't you agree?
jezebel: diverse paths?
Intltax: Yes, thanks, I received the message. I will post a reply later...thanks very much. Yes, watched the debate. I like to switch channels to see the biases of each network of pundits...all over the board last night.
jezebel: not possible. speaking of impossibilities, did you watch the lipstick pig lady debate? on another subject, i trust you recieved the message i posted
Intltax: I don't mean to pry, though, just trying to make the game even more interesting. :)
Intltax: Haha, I don't understand everything on your homepage. That's why I asked directly. :)
jezebel: maybe i'm krazy, but isn't all that info on my home page here? if not, i'll be happy to fill you in, flattered as well, as for now i'm running out of time on the chess clock and i have twelve more boards to visit before they turn into pumpkins .......
Intltax: I sought to be general to allow you to fill in the blanks as you please. Failing that...do you live in Palestine or are possibly Palestinian but living elsewhere? Are you in a profession? Are you happy with your life? :)
jezebel: is currently: amazed, deflated, bedazzled, befuddled, bemused? but seriously, concerning your question, as mr. spock might say, "please, specify."
Intltax: So how are you doing? Aside from my reading the blog, would you be so kind as to tell me a little about yourself?
Intltax: I wasn't sure if you got it back....that's good.
jezebel: i'm not sure what you read, but i have recovered any material i lost its reposted i think. but thanks anyway for your interest. or lack thereof.
jezebel: i'm not sure what you read, but i have recovered any material i lost its reposted i think. but thanks anyway for your interest. or lack thereof.
Intltax: I actually tried reading your blog, and read about the loss of posted messages. I am not a blogger myself, but I think that so many people are is an interesting phenomenon.
jezebel: aloha Intltax
Intltax: Hey!


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