20 September 2004

biden on imus

quote of the day

"I am more worried about President Bush right now. Things are getting out of control again.

The President keeps saying stay the course in Iraq and you and I have had this conversation over a year ago, he has got to change the course in Iraq because I want to win in Iraq and his strategy is absolutely a disaster.

They have miscalculated. They have misled. They are incompetent in the administration in the effort over there. The only thing that works over there is the kids we have over there getting shot at. It is absolutely mind blowing to me that these guys continue to spin. I don't mind them spinning this stuff about the economy or spinning stuff about rich folks really aren't getting richer, this is really about the middle class, I get that. But I sure as hell mind the way they spin this effort in Iraq when our kids are getting put in the meat grinder. It didn't have to be that way and there is still one last chance of getting it right and I don' t see any indication, none. If I sound like I am getting angry, I am, any indication that they understand the sense of urgency, the sense of immediacy and all we talk about is Kerry and the swift boat and whether or not he voted for 87 billion dollars. These guys told me that they needed that 87 billion dollars immediately. They told me that they needed 18.4 billion dollars immediately to begin projects, to get them underway in Sadr City and other places so these kids over there wouldn't shoot and kill our guys. So we went ahead and did it.

I took a lot of heat from other people saying we should make it free and not have any claim on their oil to get it done immediately. Guess what? As of 10 months ago these guys have only spent 500 million dollars out of over 18.4 billion dollars..they are incompetent, they are incompetent. Our folks over there are really getting whacked because of their incompetence."

Senator Joe Biden



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