04 October 2004

excuses ...

one excuse for war put forth by the bush administration continues to befuddle me. this twisted logic is "normal" coming from this administration. still, i find it incredible that the average human american actually believes it as anything approaching factual or logical.

the excuse for war, usually uttered by g.w. bush himself, says something like, "we're fighting the war in iraq so we don't have to fight it here in the u.s."

whaaa??? how does attacking another nation (iraq in this case) prevent that nation from coming here and striking back in anger? wouldn't it actually promote a retalliation by almost any nation attacked by us? it's a simple and understandable act of revenge or at least self-defense.

why do people believe this ridiculous statement of "we're fighting them there to keep from fighting them here?"

so i must say, even now after all the lies human people have believed up to this point, i never cease to be amazed by the gullibility of the masses who continue to swallow that one.

however, considering the religious majority that exists in the usa these days, it's not really a giant leap for me to understand how they all can be duped. they get some of these messages delivered via their churches, their preachers, other members of their congregations. why shouldn't they believe it?

they all suffer from the same mental delusion -- religion. people who believe in things like god and satan (aka santa) will believe anything i suppose.



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