16 July 2005


... by aliens, may 29, 2005. beginning to regain my senses, slowly. it's been a long trip back.

amen awomen achildren acrowd and seven loaves makes for lots of chaos.

it's an abbot habit

today is the first day i can remember not waking up and having to immediately start working on my "things to do to catch up for lost time due to probable abduction by aliens" list. maybe now will have some time to write and play chess for a while ...

not exactly completely caught up with everything, probably never will be completely, but that's ok. just so i'm caught up enough to not be worrying about it from the time i wake up every morning.

not much else new. fractured arm is slowly getting stronger. other arm, left wrist is getting more arthritic from overuse.

constantly arranging and rearranging furniture since abduction, got more of those plastic stackable containers to make tables with, a few more blue now, to go with the previous few pink, so i have some more cheap pink and blue plastic fake but easily transportable coffee tables topped with wooden chessboards, but not necessarily chess pieces, only sometimes.

plants are growing, or at least sprouting leaves. hot weather otherwise. not enough rain.

nevertheless, religiously going out mostly once a day on errands, strolls, general taking of the air, etc. getting plenty of sea breeze and too much bright sunlite.

living on papayas from chinatown markets and home-cooked eggs and toast, for supper, sometimes tofu. miso soup and brown rice for pseudo-balance of sorts.

take-out, mostly indian and arab food. but yesterday's greasy grilled cheese on whole wheat from the bread/coffee shop for supper last nite was enough to bear for years. vanilla ice cream is still the best for that deadly midnite snack.

all lubricated with lots of organic french-pressed espresso/french roast cafe beans w/chicory.


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