10 January 2007

hero worship

The last ten days or so I have been the lucky recipient of a lot of well wishing. For my 60th birthday, New Years and for being an inductee into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame for 2007.
I have to say it has been really nice greeting the dawn picking the same old clothes and used up socks off the floor and stumbling into the world in search of coffee, encountering friends, neighbors and passerby all with a kind and encouraging word.
So I want to thank everybody as well as send out a few encouraging words myself. A new year begins and it gives us an opportunity to reassess ourselves, physically, emotionally and spiritually. There is no reason at all why each of can't take stock of ourselves and better our situation. For instance just simple things like eliminating fast foods, soft drinks and excessive salt is a start. Drinking more water. Getting one's teeth cleaned. Saying a simple thank you or grace before eating. Going through our possessions and letting go of what we really don't want or need. If one has vices and can't give them up, just cut down. Start with the small things and as you feel better about accomplishing them, add more challenging things. It's an elemental concept but sound. Sometimes we ask so much of ourselves that we feel defeated before we begin.
Don't defeat yourself. We are lucky to be alive. I always think of the Jimi Hendrix line "Hooray I wake from yesterday". Just being alive is a gift. We can build on that thought every day.
Well, happy new year. And thanks everybody. I am going to take my own advice and change my socks.
all good wishes.
patti smith


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