16 October 2004

the cure

cure me! make me well!! i wanna be a movie star. i wanna be six feet tall. i wanna be normal.

that is such a crock. it's genetic, it is not a disease. it's comparable to being born short-sighted. it's just a slight malfunction in formation (sort of).

what does a cure mean? stronger bones? does it mean the whole nine yards? how does one get cured from being what one simply is? is it like transforming from a werewolf or something? in the movies i suppose.

but you know, after lots of thought when i was young and smart (now i'm old and behind times and getting dumber) but when i was younger, louder, snottier and thought i was intelligent, i came to the conclusion that i was just lucky to be a freak and very happy to be a mutant.

i don't want to be normal. i don't want to be just like the next door neighbors. i sometimes fantasize i'm related somehow to Yoda, that star wars dude. Yoda is cool and sees the human race for what it really is -- mostly stupid.

i'll stay who and what i am, thank you, no curing needed, i'm not a hunk of bacon. i worked a long time on being what i am. why change it now? i'm finally homing in on the real me and believe it or not, it's almost appealing.

any cures for me would be a handicap.



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