31 July 2007

the melting plastic age


today i decided to stop being so bothered about all the things wrong with me due to old age or whatever it may be, and start living out the rest of my days not fretting so much about my mortality.
since i wrote this i'll probably wake up dead
tomorrow. is that magical thinking?

don't misunderstand. i have no plans for exit yet, for now it's mostly still a big freakshow funhouse to me. frightening at times yes, but at least i get to be a tiny part of humanity, which, in all its zillions of moments of embarrassment, has indeed survived thru the sands of time. we did the stone age, iron age, bronze age, the god age, the atomic age, the space age, et al. humanity has come quite a way, relatively.

so now have we at least arrived? are we there yet? where were we going, anyway? one thing, we definitely made it to the synthetic age.

unfortunately, combined with global warming, we now have to contend with the emerging new era with all its goods and bads.

welcome everyone, to the age of melting plastic.


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