22 April 2005

old smokies

no more burning bushes on top of old smokey, earth day be damned.

an air national guard hanger outside of knoxville was the nearest tennessee sanctuary from possible hail in the smokies where the current presidential flame cared to scorch the earth today.

soon after passing more environmentally damaging legislation full of doublespeak, he cancelled his earth day celebration/speech at the great smokey mountains "because of possible hail and thunderstorms."

it's a mountain range for god's sake. wouldn't any sensible person expect there to be a threat of rainy weather in the vicinity of a mountain range?

why schedule the trip in the first place? they obviously never intended to attend, that presidential gang of cronies.

it was all planned for looks. they promoted the speech to be held in a location where the threat of stormy weather is almost always a given conclusion.

then they simply waited till the last possible moment and cancelled as planned.

supposedly, there's a popular saying in d.c., "what goes around, comes around."

it's not nice to fool with mother nature, gang of george.


09 April 2005

new moon moaning

at times it seems the perplexities of complication confound us of the simple mind.

yet it is the perplexity of the simple that most confounds those of the species human who might notice such things.

the remaining ninety-nine percent of the crowd slovenly sops and slurps at troughs provided by overseers.

after all is said and done everything sounds like everything else -- inexplicably -- all to begin again, repetitions countless.

this apparently mutates into something -- tangible -- until it resumes evaporation, fading ultimately, evanescent into the ethers.

-- jvt

02 April 2005


lyrics from the beatles' "maxwell's silver hammer" popped inside my head at the popal demise. now they are stuck inside my head. thanks john and paul. and that song is not even about the pope.

also, one harkens back to the star trek episode "miri" where the kids do a chant, "bonk, bonk, on the head ..." while chasing kirk around with clubs.

but the best quote for the day i've been able to come up with so far is --

"knock three times (with a tiny silver hammer) on the pope's head if you want me...."