31 March 2007

bus pass away

this march was a long one, thirty-one days. but i got a few things done. i got a really big monitor for my tv/computer, havent had to use my reading glasses since. and i spent the last few weeks going through the ritual of getting a new handi-van cripple bus pass. my previous one expired years ago and i just never got it renewed until last week. i dont usually use the cripple bus, but a pass allows me to ride the regular bus for free, plus i needed to get across the island for an appointment and i didn't want to take the regular bus all that way. it would have been a really long ride. so i re-registered and got a cripple bus pass. i thought it might be a fun adventure. but it was just another beauracratic nightmare, luckily i had a good attitude throughout the entire process and even the frustrating moments were entertaining, almost humorous. now i have a cripple bus pass till 2011, unless of course global warming melts enough ice off greenland and/or the polar ice caps, hence washing us hawaiians off the map completely. the need for a bus pass of any kind will simply go away.